Empowering Believers for Prophetic Ministry - Hope Alive Initiatives
Prophetic School
Empowering Believers for Prophetic Ministry
16 October, 2024

Empowering Believers for Prophetic Ministry

BY / 16 October, 2024
Prophetic School

Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a powerful Prophetic School facilitated by the Rugged Trail of the Cross that equipped believers with a deeper understanding of the prophetic gift and its importance in the Body of Christ. Let’s explore two of the core topics discussed; What is Prophecy and the Functions of the Prophetic Gift. 

What is Prophecy?

Prophecy is the prediction of what will happen in the future. At its heart, prophecy is the act of communicating divine messages from God to individuals, groups, or nations. It is both a gift of grace and a function of God’s love, designed to edify and encourage the body of Christ. In the New Testament, prophecy is understood as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, meant to equip the church for building up and strengthening believers (1 Corinthians 14:3-4).

Prophecy is not for a select few, but God desires that all His children learn to hear His voice and speak His words. Prophecy is essentially about relationship – intimacy with God. From that place of communion, we discern His voice and are empowered to speak life and direction according to His purposes. 

Prophecy is;

  • God-inspired speech: True prophecy originates from the Holy Spirit, not from human intellect or emotion. It is the Holy Spirit who communicates God’s thoughts, will, and intentions to His people.
  • Grounded in Scripture: Every prophetic word must align with the written Word of God. The Bible is the ultimate authority, and no prophetic revelation will contradict the truths found in Scripture.
  • A tool for edification: Prophetic words are given to build up, encourage, and comfort believers. Even when corrective in nature, prophecy leads to repentance and growth rather than condemnation.

Functions of the Prophetic Gift

The prophetic gift serves several vital functions within the body of Christ. Among these are; 

a) Edification (Building Up)

The first function of prophecy is to build up the church (1 Corinthians 14:4). Prophetic words can strengthen and encourage believers in their walk with God. In a world filled with discouragement, prophecy serves as a reminder of God’s love, purpose, and promises for His people. It brings spiritual nourishment and guidance, helping believers stay on course in their faith journey.

b) Exhortation (Encouragement and Motivation)

Prophecy is also meant to encourage and inspire believers to pursue God’s will more fervently. Exhortation through prophecy stirs hearts to action, motivates believers to seek deeper intimacy with God, and encourages them to walk in righteousness. It often confirms what God is already speaking to the individual, encouraging them to persevere in challenging times.

c) Comfort

In times of trials and difficulties, the prophetic gift brings comfort to those who are hurting (1 Corinthians 14:3). Prophecy reveals God’s care and presence in the midst of pain, assuring believers that He is near. Through prophetic words, God brings healing and restoration, reminding individuals that He has not forgotten them and that He is actively involved in their lives.

d) Warning and Correction

Additionally, prophecy also has the function of issuing warnings and corrections. God, in His love, warns His people when they are straying from His ways or when danger is near. Biblical examples include the prophet Jonah’s warning to Nineveh and the prophets of the Old Testament like Jeremiah and Ezekiel who called Israel to repentance. The goal is always redemptive – God’s heart is for restoration, not condemnation.

e) Direction and Guidance

Prophetic words can offer direction and guidance in both personal and corporate decisions. Many biblical examples, such as the Apostle Paul being guided by prophetic words, show us that prophecy can play a crucial role in helping us make decisions aligned with God’s will. It is important to note that prophetic direction should always be weighed carefully and confirmed by scripture and wise counsel.


The prophetic school was a great success, empowering believers to better understand and walk in the prophetic gift. We were reminded that prophecy is not a gift to be feared or avoided but one that brings life, guidance, and encouragement to the church and the world. The training helped demystify prophecy, making it more accessible to every believer, and we left with a renewed desire to hear God’s voice and share His heart with those around us.

As we continue to walk in the prophetic, may we, like the Apostle Paul, “eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy” (1 Corinthians 14:1), and use it to build up the Body of Christ and glorify His name.


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