Be the Hand to Feed the Vulnerable - Hope Alive Initiatives
Be the Hand to Feed the Vulnerable
16 October, 2020

Be the Hand to Feed the Vulnerable

BY / 16 October, 2020

Hope Alive Initiatives exists to empower African churches in poor and vulnerable regions to effectively share the Gospel, demonstrate the love of God and disciple their communities.

Elolo Parku, HAI Ghana Team Leader, is an example of how successful empowerment can be in changing the lives of individuals, families and communities. Elolo partnered with ITL Get Fund, an organization that believes that true transformation of communities and ultimately society as a whole is only done in the power of Christ and by means of a wholistic approach to life, faith and leadership. They have created a campaign to help feed the hungry families in Kintago Farms, Accra who have been severly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Please join us in praying for the success of this program, that through meeting the felt needs of these families, HAI would be able to open doors to meet their spiritual needs as well.

Click the link below to donate:


Sophia and Elolo, are couples in the ministry of sharing the gospel in a nomadic and vulnerable community called Kintago Farms, Accra. The community is bedevil with poverty.


During COVID-19 pandemic, there was an extreme hunger among many families in the community. It became pronounced during the partial locked-down. We were so moved by once seeing a family of five take one pawpaw for supper.

This stirred us up to start a feeding program to support the needy families.


Currently, 40 needy families are supported with bags of rice and bottles of oil.

We plan to feed 120 more families in Kintago Farms in six months by supplying twenty needy families each with 5kg sack of rice and 1L of oil per month.


We cannot do this without your help. We are therefore calling on you to join us to raise funds, in order to provide foodstuff for these affected families.

  • We are aiming at raising $1000 to feed 120 needy families.
  • Your $10 will feed a family with a bag of rice and a bottle oil for a month.
  • A donation of $50 will feed five families for a month.

Through your support, we will all share the practical gospel together with the joy associated with it. Your donation will help rescue a soul and it will make a difference for eternity.


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