Blog Two Grid - Hope Alive Initiatives

Ministry Partnerships 2020

Site Visits Since January, we have had several site visits or discussions to explore future ministry in training churches. As

Hope Alive Benefit Breakfast 2018

Please join us at Westport Road Baptist Church on Saturday, March 17th from 9-11am for breakfast. We’ll hear from some

HAI Hosts First Annual Interdenominational Ministers’ Retreat

According to our 2014 activity plan, we scheduled church pastors and leaders retreat for Savelugu area and by the grace

Trained churches in Upper West region impact their communities.

The five churches that have been trained in Sombo, Upper West region continue to impact their communities. Besides the discipleship

Hope Alive Initiatives Presenting at Advance360 Conference in 2018

Hope Alive Initiatives is excited to be joining other like-minded ministries to explore how technology can advance missions to reach

Lay health and dental workers reach out again

On 25th October, the lay medical and dental workers of the churches in Savelugu – Nanton district reached out to a

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